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Using games to teach young people about money

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Everything you wished you learned about money when you were younger.

Packaged into a digital learning platform for schools.
Get Fintr4Schools

Gamified Learning

With a gamified superhero narrative and comic-style content, we make learning fun!

CAPS EMS-Aligned

Our curriculum aligns with the CAPS Economic Management Science curriculum.

World-Class Certified

The Education Alliance Finland (EAF) scored our solution 93% for its pedagogical approach!


Play your way to wealth in FinMaster! Challenge friends and family in this dynamic game of wealth-building.

Take control of markets, build your fortune through clever investments, and outmaneuvre opponents on your path to wealth. Whether you're 12 or 102, FinMaster turns the thrill of investing into the ultimate family games night adventure.

The Limited Edition FinMaster is SOLD OUT!
Don't miss our next drop, join the waitlist now!

People love our games

"This game is such a great experience to have with acquaintances, friends and family alike! It stimulates thinking and helps one grasp financial concepts/principles."


FinMaster Owner

"FinMaster is incredibly innovative. I love gaming of all types. FinMaster has an incredibly innovative game mechanic that's unique and a breath of fresh air."


FinMaster Owner

"FinMaster stimulates competition and learning. FinMaster makes it fun to learn. There is a reason people don’t want to stop playing the game."


FinMaster Owner

"FinMaster is amazing fun with high educational value. It’s not long like Monopoly and yet still adds the same weight of jeopardy with your estate! Love it."


FinMaster Owner

"It's a way to understand how the market works. You are basically getting a trial version of what you will do when you have money."


FinMaster Owner
We are backed by exceptional organisations who understand the importance of equipping the next generation with positive money mindsets and habits.
Allan Gray Orbis Foundation
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